Saving Details

Today we are shipping Calder off for an all day play date at my friend, Kerri's to play with Dylan.

I have been worried about forgetting details, so Hugh and I are going to spend the day at the computer writing down every single thing we can remember about our 5 days with Tripp.  I know it will be emotional, but part of me is looking forward to it.  It will be good to have those details saved in a place other than my memory.

Tonight, I will be posting a guest blog. . . Stay tuned!


  1. Hey Jordan,
    Mike Cawood here. I just recently heard about Tripp and wanted to let you guys know Leah and I have been thinking about you. We found that all of the support we got throughout our ordeal with our daughter Cameron was so helpful, and we just wanted to show you and Hugh some of the same. I wish I could pass on to you some sort of wisdom, but I think everyone will deal with loss in their own way. Take care guys.
    Mike Cawood

  2. Hi Jordan. Ever since Kerri told me about Tripp, I have been reading your blog. What a caring thing you are doing to share your story. Several times I have tried to respond, but realize that none of the times I have been successful, but I think I know have it figured out!
    You have a sweet boy, who to me looks like a Fritshaw through and through-to me he is a blond version of Luke!
    We think of you and your family SO often-take care of each other. Andrea and Grant


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