When I was on Paternity Leave when I had Calder there wasn't enough income tax taken off.  Because of this, last year I got hit REALLY hard with a huge amount owing at income tax time.

This morning I was determined not to let that happen with this Maternity Leave.  I had looked at my EI statement earlier in the week and noticed they were virtually taking no taxes off, so I went online to view my claim.  There was absolutely no information there about changing the amount of tax deducted, so I grabbed what little paperwork I had from my claim and called the number given.

After 20 minutes and hitting every automated option, not only did I not get any answer about tax deductions, but I also wasn't able to get to talk to anyone.  When I hung up the phone I realized that I do have LTSP, but this time the stupid people were the Federal Government.

I went back online to view my claim and see if I could find a different phone number.  I had no luck.  I then searched the Service Canada site and after linking to 3 different pages I was able to find a list of all of the menus for the toll free number I had called.

On the phone they had given me the option to press 1, 2, or 3, online I could see there was an option of 0.  You COULD talk to someone if you pressed 0.  What a mess.

I then got back on the phone and pressed 0.  Imagine, it started ringing and sent me to wait in line to talk to an agent.  After about 5 minutes of waiting, the automated service told me it was receiving more calls than normal and I should call back after 3 pm.  I am stubborn and I was determined to talk to someone, so I put it on speaker phone and Calder danced to the Mexican music that was playing.  Literally, 2 minutes later I got to talk to a knowledgeable, English speaking agent.  I couldn't believe it!

After speaking with the agent for a couple of minutes, she informed me that in Saskatchewan they can't take more tax off your EI.  Weird.  She suggested that we just save a bit of money for at tax time, so I guess that's what we'll do.


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