Hugh's Project

As you know, Hugh is better when he is busy, so we bought some tile on Tuesday night and he finished this project last night.  It took about 11 hours and cost about $170.  Hugh loves how it looks and is wishing he would have done it years ago!

Hugh can't stop staring at his masterpiece!


  1. Nice work Hugh. Looks great!!

  2. It looks awesome! Tell Hugh he can come busy at my house I've been wanting tile :)

    Jodi K.

  3. Looks awesome!!!!!!!!!! Where'd you get your tile from? That was one of my projects I had wanted to accomplish this winter but didn't get even close to.

  4. Thanks everyone. We got the tile at Rona. It was my 2nd favorite of all the tile I looked at. My first favorite was at End of the Roll and was $60/square foot. The stuff we used was $5/square foot!

  5. Awesome.....gorgeous tile...great job...nice combo you two...

  6. Looks awesome! Now I am so curious to know how many hours that took him because it looks to me like tiling would take forever!

    Janelle S.


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