Edmonton Day 1

It was a day of mixed emotions. 

The drive was hard.  Hugh and I talked most of the way to North Battleford.  We talked about money and made plans for savings and paying off some debt (this is very typical for Hugh and I!).  We talked about what we planned on doing in Edmonton and made a rough outline of what our days would look like.  We talked about Tripp.
I drove from North Battleford to Edmonton and Hugh read.  It left a lot of time for thinking and questioning.  Hugh continually asked me if I wanted to chat, but it felt like the only thing I had to talk about was Tripp and that wasn't going to make me any less sad.  I haven't read the paper since the day Tripp was born and I have maybe watched 3 hours worth of t.v. that was PVR'd.  I don't really know what's going on in the world, so I can't really talk about current events.  We had already talked about money.  Our other go-to topics are work, which neither of us are doing right now and I have no interest in, and making plans for our furture. . . and right now the future plans make me sad.

So I drove and Hugh read (and Calder screamed).

I was definitely ready for some activity when we hit Edmonton, so we headed straight to the science center.  Calder and I had been to the science center in Regina with my sister Jes and her boyfriend Nate in the summer.  During the summer, we, or more so Calder,  had the run of the place and we were hoping a Monday afternoon in Edmonton would be the same.  We weren't disappointed.  There were limited people there and Calder could run around without disrupting any other patrons or getting away from us!  Calder's favorite part was the train station (we might as well stayed in our basement for this. . . we would have saved $40!).  He also loved the police car, but was quite put off that he couldn't get inside (it was locked. . . I tried!).  Although the science center isn't necessarily geared to 2 year olds, we had a fun time.

We then headed to the hotel and got checked in.  It was 4:30 pm AB time (5:30 pm SK).  We felt a bit like an elderly couple in Florida, but we didn't care.  We headed to the Olive Garden for supper.  Hugh stuffed himself and I ate more at a meal than I had in days.  It was a really nice supper.

When we got back to the hotel we took a walk through the mall and then headed up to get Calder ready for bed.  Shortly after Calder went down, I knew I needed to follow suit.  Quite a while later, when I had finally let brain shut off, I heard a baby crying.  It was a small baby's cry.  It was that cry where a baby is screaming, but they are still so small it doesn't make a lot of noise and it was coming from next door.

Why me?

"How did we get in a room next to a baby?" I whispered to Hugh.  He rolled over and gave me a hug.  The compassion and love from Hugh made me start to cry.  "It isn't fair."  Just as I spoke this I felt something cold on my shirt.  I looked down and saw it was milk.  Why?

Hugh grabbed the ear plugs for me and I made myself shut off.  I needed sleep and was able to sleep fairly well until Calder woke up at 5:30 am.  We tried our best to get him to fall back down, but had no luck.  We were officially up for the day.  Hopefully we will be able to get him to nap this afternoon so I can lay down for a bit with him. I am tired and there is shopping to be done!

Overall it was a day away from home.  A day where we were out and about and didn't see anyone we knew.  A day where we could spend some time with just the 3 of us.  This felt like the start of our new life.  Not the life we had planned, but a good life.


  1. Even with what has happened the love the three of you have and the life your building together is not a good life it's an amazing life that people envy. You go through what has happened and will be stronger than most families only dream of being. Love you guys and miss you! hit the slides and make sure Hugh wears the one piece he picked up at costco. Fr. The Sloth

  2. sorry my comp was still signed on Britts account


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