My Happiness Project Week 3

Monday was supposed to be my Happiness Project Day, but my first day back to work was pretty major and needed front page attention.

This week I am trying to focus on nagging tasks.  I made a list in my Happiness Project Book that contains items that are hanging over my head. Hopefully, I will be able to enjoy things more fully if I am not thinking about all of the things I should be doing--because they will be done (or on their way to getting done!).

I titled the list:

  • Compile May family video  
  • Call Grandma F
  • Call Danielle
  • Look into autopsy
  • Make Counseling appointment
  • Inquire about pension buyback
  • Arrange books in bedroom
  • Email Matt
  • Clean out closet. . . again!
Some of these things are what Gretchen Rubin calls "boomerang errands".  You do them, but then they come right back to you.  So for example, today I got Hugh to get me some times that work for him so that I could book our counseling appointment. I called, only to find out Brad only books until 2:15 pm and all the times I got from Hugh were after school.  I came back to Hugh tonight and got 2 alternate dates in June, during the school day, so that tomorrow I can try to book it again. 

I completely checked off one item off my list today which I am happy about. I wanted to call our family doctor to look into Tripp's autopsy.  It was supposed to take 3 months (which it has been) and our doctor is moving at the end of the month, so I wanted to talk to her to make sure that if she doesn't get it by the end of June, it doesn't just end up sitting at her office.  Honestly, I am very confident the autopsy won't contain anything that we don't already know, but when it is finished I would just like to know for closure.  My doctor is now on top of it and is going to put her nurse and another doctor in charge of contacting us with they get the report from the pathologist.  Check.

I am going to get a few more things together tonight so I can continue to check things off.  The thing about my GET OFF MY BACK list is that it is only going to get longer!  Oh well, it feels good to check things off.  I am actually checking vs crossing things off.  I want to be able to see all the things I have completed at the end!


  1. Please add:
    - mow the grass
    - do the laundry
    - rub husband's back
    - wash the windows outside
    - take down the Christmas Lights
    - clean the garage
    - put herbicide on dandelions in backyard
    - wash the van

    Author unknown

  2. Nice try, Hugh. Make your own GET OFF MY BACK LIST.

    In the 5 minutes since I posted I have already added:
    - finish front flower bed
    - finish North flower bed
    - Purchase apple tree

    You might want to add those to your list as well! LOL

  3. Hi Jordan, my name is Jade Lalonde (I am from Marcelin and know your hubby). I teach out at the colony in Leask. I just heard about your baby Tripp. I am sorry for your loss. The reason I was told about you was because we lost identical twin boys (Garnett and Emmett) on Dec 20,2010. I was 5 months pregnant. My boys were to little to breathe and were born angels. I have felt everything your feeling. If you ever want to chat, I am on Facebook I can pm you my number and email address.
    xo Jade

  4. Jordan (and Hugh)

    Your banter in the comments made us laugh. Thanks. We have the Happiness Project and it's on my too read books. I'm going to start reading it very soon. Thanks for the inspiration!

    love always,
    Katie and Matt


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