New Blog Book

I had sent away for my first year's blog book (2010) shortly before Tripp was born. As you can see, it looks tiny compared to this year's first 6 months. I included comments in the 2011 book, which does add length, but I have obviously posted WAY more in 2011. I love rereading my posts and all the kind words people have left for me. Monday night, on Tripp's 5 month birthday, I found comfort in my words from a few days in March, but I found even more comfort from the words others wrote. I know I don't often respond to comments. Usually, it is because the only thing I could possibly say is, "thanks". If you leave comments please know that I appreciate every single one and they are forever part of the Hamilton's journey as part of our book.

When Hugh arrived home last week with my book, I got nervous. I knew what it would look like, but to actually hold it in my hands brought on anxiety. I picked the pictures for the cover and the back. I had a very difficult time making the book. This is our one and only book that Tripp was alive in. Hugh and I talked about it and we KNEW that Tripp needed to be on the cover. I have a hard time looking at pictures of him. They make me so sad. Nevertheless, I edited my favorite photo of him and downloaded it on Blog 2 Print. I also edited my favorite photo of Tripp and I for the back cover. Someday I will share it here.

When I pulled the book out of the box I started crying. He is truly perfect on the cover.

I flipped open the book and read my inscription on the first page.

This book is dedicated to Tripp Vincent Hamilton.

Tripp, you inspired me to tell our story. I think of you always and love you and miss you more than anyone can imagine.

Always and forever,


  1. Tripp was beautiful, and still is beautiful because he lives on with you, Hugh & Calder. I am wishing you an extra dose of love, patience & peace today.

  2. What an amazing idea to put your online writing into book form. I love that idea and would like to know how to do that myself. I also think that Tripp's picture on the front and back is perfect. He was a gorgeous little man, whose short time with you continues to have an impact on your life, and the lives of those that read your blog. I really enjoy reading your posts and walking with you through your days.

  3. Hi Jordan. I was pointed to your blog on Thursday. I have now read each post since the birth of Tripp. I just live down the street from you, and I'm so sorry I had no idea of your great loss. We have said hello on the street, but I feel now that I know you. Your blog has absolutely inspired me and brought more tears and smiles than anything I've ever read! Before I had children my mom told me that you cannot imagine how powerful it is to be a mother until you become one. After reading your story I can only imagine that you cannot imagine how powerful it is to lose a child until you do. My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday...sorry it took me this long.

  4. Jordan, You picked a perfect picture for the cover! This picture signifies the time period more than any other picture possibly could. Tripp will never be forgotten!

  5. What a beautiful baby boy! He is a precious little Angel! I still think about you, Hugh and Calder daily! This book will be a precious momentum of your family (including Tripp or course).

  6. Thank you for sharing Tripp with us Jordan. He was a beautiful little boy and I am sorry we never got the chance to meet in person. Seeing his picture makes him more real to me, and it makes your grief more real for me as well.


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