Missing Voice

Last weekend at the lake, my mom had a cold that caused her to lose her voice and now I have it.  This morning I woke up and couldn't muster more than a whisper. Hugh is worried I'm not going to be able to teach in the fall!

Right after we go married, I got a similar cold and lost my voice.  I slightly damaged my vocal cords and my doctor had me off work for 2 weeks to give them time to heal. Under her orders, I wasn't supposed to talk more than 10 minutes out of every hour. It was challenging! My doctor warned that I needed to take care of my voice, because once your vocal cords have been damaged, they often are more susceptible to having damage reoccur. In fact, there is a teacher at Hugh's old school who taught 1/2 time and was on long term disability the other 1/2 because of her voice. 

Although Hugh has a valid concerned, I am more worried about how I am going to look after Calder. I know that I need to talk as minimally as possible, which is EXTREMELY difficult for me, let alone how difficult it is going to do while parenting a 2.5 year old! I am going to see how my voice is tomorrow. If it isn't getting better, I will see if I can line up daycare for Calder for a few hours each day. That way, I will be able to have a few hours of totally rest for my vocal cords. 


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