Saskatchewan Teacher's Withdrawal of Services

Sunday and Monday were phenomenal days.  I visited with some good friends both days and accomplished a lot around our house (although, you probably couldn't tell by looking!).  Today on the other hand, is not phenomenal.  Today is sad.  There are a couple things I could pin a bit of it too, but I think it is just one of those days.
* * *
Saskatchewan teacher are withdrawing all professional (teaching) and voluntary (extra-curr) services on Thursday.   This means there will be no school for students or any after school programs.  There was a terrific article last week in the Star Phoenix in support of teachers.  Mark Lemstra speaks to the value of education and compares teacher to nurses and pharmacists (2 other professions that need a bachelors degree).  I know there are some vocal people out there that think it is outrageous that teachers are asking for 12%.  I obviously don’t agree with them. The 5% over 3 years that the government was offering makes me feel unappreciated. If you want some $ numbers from someone not directly involved, Lemstra provides them.  He has a really interesting perspective.  Check out the article HERE.


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