Hugh's Creation

Hugh has never made a suggestion pertaining to my blog. . . until yesterday. Here it is. Hugh's creation.  And for the record, Hugh, I would have blogged about it without your "gentle" suggestions!
Hugh has been working incredibly hard in the yard building a play structure for Calder and yesterday he completed the project.  We got the kit for the structure at Home Depot and Hugh dug out the sandbox underneath.  It is understatement to say Calder likes it.  He spent over 4 hours in it yesterday afternoon and has already put in a 2 hour shift this morning with Dylan. 
Hugh’s parents had sent all of Hugh’s old cars to our house a few months ago.  They are perfect to play with in the sandbox.  Hugh had a good time filling Calder in on the details of each of the cars.  Hugh couldn’t believe how much he remembered about them!
Hugh has been working on his photography as well.  It feels great to be in a few pictures—especially ones as good a quality as these!  I love the picture of Calder and I laughing.
Luke and Brittany came over yesterday and brought us supper (yum, yum, yum).  Brittany and I decided that Hugh and Luke are too big for the swings and the slide (and yes, they both gave each of them a go!).
Outside today, Dylan and Calder played terrific together.  Calder only got one timeout (believe me—that was significant!).  
I must have snapped 50 photos of the boys this morning.   There were very few pictures where I got either one of them to look at the camera and NONE where they both did at the same time.  As cute as they are, they may not be cut out for modeling!


  1. We are coming to play!!! Sydney would love this play haven!!!


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