The Party

Things that were a hit:

Helium balloons. Apparently you can get balloons filled at the Dollar store for $0.50 a balloon, but Grandma Fritshaw bought a helium tank from Costco (approximately $25) which is supposed to fill 50 balloons. THEY WERE AWESOME. The kids played and played with them and then each got to take a couple home.
Cake Pops. Bake cake. Crumble. Mix with tub of frosting. Roll into balls. Chill/freeze. Cover in chocolate. They take some time. But everyone LOVES them! (bottom right hand corner of this picture)
PiƱata. Uncle Luke and Auntie Brittany bought one for Calder and Hugh filled it to the brim with candy. I am fairly confident that there were some annoyed parents when they left our house because their child was taking a grocery bag full of candy with them. Hugh begs to differ with me. His exact words were "we didn't get enough candy."
Baileys. I didn't take a picture. But you know what I am talking about! Coffee goes great with it. Here is the closest shot I have. People were congregated around the coffee all morning! Yummy! (The Baileys is in Luke's hand :-)
9:30 AM start time. From 6:30 AM until the first guest arrived I heard Calder repeating, "when are all my buddies getting here?" I almost. Lost. My. Mind.

Happy Monday!


  1. So Sad we missed out on the fun:( looks like Calder had an awesome time!!

  2. Looks like a great Party!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun!
    Auntie Pat

  4. Thanks everyone! We had a really fun time! It was great to see everyone and their kids!


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