How do you like them apples?

The last few weeks I have been visiting Pinterest everyday (that link will get you to my boards). I can't help myself from admiring all the beautiful clothes and hair, drooling over all the scrumptious food, and having a bit of craft envy on many of the incredible projects people pin.

On the weekend we had some apples that were getting close to losing their crispy edge and since I had received a flat of apples on Thursday from a band fundraiser at our school, the less crispy apples needed to go! I took to Pinterest came across THIS pin and knew it was the one. My mother-in-law is an incredible baker and had sent some pre-made pastry for our freezer few months ago and this was the perfect project to use it with.

These mini-apple pies were delicious. But they weren't quite what I expected. In fact, they tasted more like a tart. Pies to me are a bit more juicy (to use Hugh's word!). After doing a bit of reading I found out some apples are better than others for baking. The Gala apples I used are actually best used in salads or eaten fresh. It makes sense - not all apples are alike, but I really hadn't thought about it, because I usually bake with apples from my Grandma Fritshaw's farm.

Grandma and Grandpa spent an incredible amount of time grafting trees (they have a tree that grows 5 different kinds of apples) and cultivating apples. Grandma lets me come and raid her trees in late August. I am special, but just so you know Grandma lets ANYONE raid her trees. She hates to see fruit on the ground! I always take a couple of boxes of Heyer 12. These tart apples are not great for eating, but are fabulous for baking with.

Last year Hugh and I planted some apple trees in our yard. The staff at Little Tree Nursery in Martensville are FANTASTIC. They were really helpful when we selected our trees. I knew I wanted a Heyer 12 and a Minnesota 447. Both these apples were staples growing up. We got a couple of other trees, but I have already forgotten which ones! 

I can't wait to try this recipe out with some apples meant for pies! And maybe with a couple from our own tree!

Sorry, if you read the title thought I was going to write some cool post about Good Will Hunting! If you have 3 minutes, here is the apple scene.


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