Its a bird, Its a plane . . .

Tonight we reinforced that some of our best times are just those spent with good company. . .

Dylan called Calder tonight and asked if he wanted to go to the park. Calder promptly started yelling, "I want to go to Dylan's! I want to go to Dylan's!" Dylan then promptly got sad when his dad suggested  to him that Calder and I come over for a visit instead (Hugh's school had a skate night). Dylan was psyched to head to the park and I didn't blame him. It was a gorgeous evening. It didn't take much convincing on my end to get Calder to the park. He would go anywhere if Dylan was going.

When we arrived at the park, it was like a scene from a movie - well, almost. The boys spotted each other when they were about 150 m apart. Dylan started running towards us. Calder saw this and took 2 hard steps to start running toward Dylan and  -  fell flat on his face! He looked like Superman, but instead of flying through the air, he was laid out on the sidewalk! Calder quickly scrambled to his feet and got racing towards Dylan. There was NO time to be hurt.

It was picturesque. The boys arrived at the bridge by Tripp's bench at the same time. They glanced towards one another.

And they didn't even slow down.

They both ran right past each other at full tilt!

Drew and Kerri
Chris found some cardboard. The boys would have slide down the hill on it all night!
Can you see Calder?
Need a bigger challenge? Can you see Dylan?

I took our point and shoot camera that I haven't used in 2 years. I didn't use a flash, because with the evening light I wouldn't have with my DSLR. The last shot of Dylan and Drew is the only one that is good quality. I will have to remember that the point and shoot needs LOTS of light or a flash! Next time.


  1. Can't believe how little snow you guys have! WOW! I have not seen grass here since the end of looks like a fun evening, it is so nice that the days are getting longer!


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