Calder's Second 2nd Birthday

I spent most of Saturday slaving away making cake-pops for the P-A-R-T-Y.  They are very easy to make, just time consuming.  My friend, Heidi first introduced me to these on Valentine's Day and with a little search on the internet and a phone call to her and I was on my way.  I would suggest googling some images of your own if you are interested.  My look very amateur compared to a lot of the ones out there!

The morning was spent drinking coffee (pot after pot!) and visiting.

We took lots of pictures of the kids eating cupcakes, but I think they liked the cake-pops better!

Take a good look at the bottom left hand corner of the picture above containing Lucia (in pink).  Calder was looking at the birthday photos with me on the computer yesterday and kept saying, "Cleo" (our dog).  There weren't any pictures of Cleo from the party and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about.  Finally, I had the brilliant idea to have him point to Cleo and he immediately stuck his finger out and put it directly on the back of his head in that photo.  He thought his mop-top was our dog!!

Calder was a bit concerned that Willis (in green) was helping him open his gift.  I am so glad we got a shot of this.  I can just hear him pleading, "Calder's present"! (yes, he talks in 3rd person)


  1. Great pictures Jordan!
    The cake pops look pretty professional to me!
    Happy Birthday Calder
    Love Aunty Pat

  2. Lovin' your hair nice and long like that. Thanks for the cake pops idea - I'm going to attempt them for Will's 2nd birthday!

    Happy Birthday to your adorable Calder. We should get our curly-haired boys together for a playdate over the summer!

  3. Holy crap, woman. You look GOOD!!!



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