
Tonight, Tripp met all his grandparents, aunts and uncles.  He even opened his eyes and peeked at a few of them. 

So far there is no change with the steriods.  Sometimes it takes more than a few hours for progress to be seen with steriods, so we will know by the morning if they are working or not. 

As our nurse said tonight, we need him to take a turn. 


  1. We are sending lots of positive thoughts, love and prayers to all of you!
    Matt and Katie

  2. God bless you Tripp, Jordan, Hugh, Calder and family.There are many of us sending you our positive thoughts, strength, love and prayers.

  3. We are thinking of you and praying for you every minute of every day. All our love and blessings,
    The Wallin's


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