Good Moment

Hugh and I just got to sit with Tripp for a quick couple of minutes before neurologist arrived to do an EEG.

He is on the ventilator and Hugh and I were relieved to see how much more comfortable he looks.

The nurse turned off the overhead light and Tripp opened his eyes to say hello to us.


  1. Dear J,
    Hold on to those moments. They will help you stay strong for your little man when he needs you most. A moment does not go by that you aren't thought about and loved. Be strong, love. He couldn't have a better Mommy.

  2. Grab and hold those moments in you heart and head. They will help get you both through this ordeal. Still praying for Tripp with all my heart!

  3. I'm glad you had a wonderful moment with Tripp today. I hope you have another one tomorrow and every day after that. We're thinking about you, Hugh, Calder and Tripp.

  4. For you...

  5. Thanks Jordan for sharing your life with us. My heart rejoices and aches for you and Hugh all at the same time. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for sure. Be strong; I know you have it in you.

  6. Hugh,Jordan,Calder and Tripp - you are all in my prayers that Angels are watching over you too.I am here if ever you need anything.Know that you are all loved by so many. Janet S.

  7. Jordan, Kelly and I praying for Tripp. I know just how hard it can be sitting in the NICU and the hard unknown. I am here for you if you need to talk...This is Tripp's journey and we are all along for his ride...tell him that I can't wait to meet him. Love you.


  8. Tiny Angels
    Tiny Angels rest your wings
    sit with me for awhile.
    How I long to hold your hand,
    And see your tender smile.
    Tiny Angel, look at me,
    I want this image clear....
    That I will forget your precious face
    Is my biggest fear.
    Tiny Angel can you tell me,
    Why you have gone away?
    You weren't here for very long....
    Why is it, you couldn't stay?
    Tiny Angel shook his head,
    "These things I do not know....
    But I do know that you love me,
    And that I love you so".

    Author Unknown
    sending loving thoughts your way


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