Back to Normal?

Things are slowing down around our house.  My sister Jes and her boyfriend Nate are the only ones left and they are heading out after supper.

Thanks to the generosity of our friends and family our cupboards are filled with food.  The laundry has all been done and the house has been cleaned.  

Tonight, we will be back to normal.  Whatever that is.  

My brother Luke and his girlfriend Brittany will be here.  That is part of our normal.  Luke lives in the basement!   We might rent a movie, but maybe not.

Monday at 10:30 in the morning is Calder's surgery and we have to be back at RUH by 7:30 am.  Calder can't eat or drink when he gets up, so we are going to have a bear on our hands.  A good night's rest will be good for all of us.  It is going to be a stressful day.  Not only do we have Calder's surgery, but Hugh and I are going to head back up to NICU.  They have created a memory box for Tripp that needs to be picked up.  I am not sure if I will open it right now, but it will feel good to get it.

Please say a prayer for Calder's surgery.


  1. Dear Jordan and Hugh, (especially Jordan!)

    This blog has been a huge help for me (and I am sure many others), as it creates a closeness with you that I seem to search for right now.

    Thank you for sharing your story so honestly with us.

    Missing Tripp with you all, and binding together in parenting, you have all our love and support.

    Tanya and Guy Boechler

  2. Love and prayers for Calder and for your family tonight.
    Much love


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