Tripp Vincent Hamilton

Yesterday was a good day.

Yesterday, I had a couple of belly laughs that hurt.

Yesterday, I went to bed optimistic and hopeful.

Today I was given more detailed information.

Today we had to ask the question, "could our son die" and we heard the answer, "yes".

Today is the worst day of my life.

B.H.'s is having trouble with all of his major organs.  Right now the most concerning ones are his kidneys. They are giving him multiple medications.  He tubes going into all four limbs and his head.  He has more than any other baby in NICU.  A lot of the medications are at maximum levels.

They are trying steroids today.  Hopefully they will kick start his kidneys, which will help kick start the long list of organs in trouble.

After that...they don't know.  Babies can't live without kidneys and our son's are failing.  There is no long term dialysis for babies.  No transplants.

Today our son needed a name.  We gave him a strong, beautiful name.  Tripp Vincent Hamilton.

Today we need your thoughts and prayers.


  1. praying hard for all of you - Tripp looks like a real little fighter!!

  2. Dear friend,
    I've sat here with this comment page open, staring at it. I don't even know what to say to you.
    Texts are being passed between friends, thinking of ways we can possibly be there for you, Hugh and Calder. But I really don't think anything we do will be able to ease your pain.
    Please know that there are constant prayers being offered up for sweet Tripp. He's a beautiful baby and we love him as much as we love you.

  3. Hi Jordan,

    I'm a friend of Deena's and I. too, don't know what to say, but please know that I am praying for you, your family and for sweet, little Tripp. It is a strong name for a strong little boy.

  4. You have all our thoughts and prayers with your family and baby Tripp. None of us can imagine going through what you guys are going through. So I know there is nothing I can say to make anything any better.

    So all I say is we are praying for little Tripp with my whole heart....

  5. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Tripp Vincent Hamilton is a wonderful name for a wonderful little baby boy!

  6. sending you strength,love and prayers

  7. Thinking of you and your family!! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you!!!! God bless!

  8. Thoughts and prayers for you, your family and sweet little Tripp!

  9. Hugh and Jordan I am thinking of you and your family, I have gone through a similiar experience and I know how difficult this is. Tripp is a beautiful name for your baby. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  10. Lots of love, thoughts and prayers to the whole Hamilton family. Sheldon and I have been thinking of your family and are sending every ounce of positive energy we have your way.

    Jodi and Sheldon Kruger

  11. Miracles happen every day, I'm praying that today is your day.

  12. Dear Jordan,
    I want you to know that I am thinking and praying for you and your family. On a side note, my mom has been a NICU nurse for 35 years in B.C. and SK. and is the opposite of Newman! Unfortunately, she is has been on holidays for a week and will be off for the next two weeks:( I mentioned your story to her and she wants me to pass on the following to you: if there is a NNP on, or a resident on that day ask to speak with them regardless if it is a week day or weekend as long as they aren't in an emergency and are in the hospital they will talk to you. Monday to Friday a.m. doctor's rounds you will be speaking to the Neonatologist in charge. Be there at 8:00 a.m. Monday to Friday call 1847 from the parent's room and let them know you are there for rounds. (My apologies if you already know this). When they get to B.H. they will come and get you. My mom saw the photos and says "he is a big beautiful neonate and give him time he will blossom". She also said that the Newman-like nurses in that ward are nasty, and lack people skills, but that they are highly-skilled. There are angels in there too:) Let me know if you want me to ask my mom anything. Talk to you soon. Sarah

  13. Hugh, Jordan, Calder and Tripp... Brock and I are sending you our thoughts and prayers. If you ever need to talk please know that I am always willing to listen! As a pediatric nurse, I know the struggles you are going through during this very hard time. It is so unfortunate that you had to meet somebody like Newman during a time like this. The days ahead of you will be far from easy, but with the love and support of so many friends and family members, I know you will get the strength you need. There are no words to express my sincere thoughts to you and your family at this tough time. If I can do anything to help make things easier, please let me know! Even if it's just to explain something medical that may seem confusing. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong Jordan and Hugh! Stay strong Tripp! Hugs to big brother Calder. We are here for you!

    Crystal and Brock


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