My Grandpa Knit Them

My Grandpa Fritshaw knit. Grandma got him started to give him something to do in the winter. He mostly knit mitts and socks. If you are a Fritshaw, you have at one time proudly worn an item that Grandpa knit.

I loved when people used to ask me, "Where did you get your mitts?" I reveled in telling them my grandpa made them and seeing the look on their face when I did it. In fact, most of the time people would think I said my grandma made them. And it would take a few, slowly enunciated words to get them back on track.

Grandpa Fritshaw made these socks. I want to have them forever, but I know my Grandpa is looking down at me thinking, "Jordan, those socks were meant to be worn." So as some sort of compromise I wear them, but only on special occasions.

Yesterday was one of those special occasions. Those socks represent comfort and love. And you can never have enough of that.


  1. That's really cool :) I have a few cherished items that my grandma knit for me over the years, and now that I knit, it helps put into perspective all the time and love that went into them.

  2. Lol, I still have a pair of mitts Grandpa knit me. I have worn one complete through the thumb but refuse to let them go!


  3. My Grandma has been knitting me socks for years - they wear out fast and get holes in the heels easily. Save them for special occassions, that is a great idea :) I love the picture you added of your Grandpa - great post!!


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