World Famous Sugar Cookies

I didn't win a cookie award. That title is self-proclaimed. Sugar cookies are my favourite Christmas baking. A couple of years ago my friend, Twyla introduced me to Wilton's food colour found at Michaels. I love it. It is a paste and has very rich colour. I love the look of the finished product!

Calder wanted to put sprinkles on these ones and proceeded to dump half the container on one cookie. He would not eat said cookie, because "it's not green."

This year, I enlisted Hugh to help me ice the cookies (last year, it was my friend, Ader:-). It's a big job! Immediately, Calder pulled up a chair and started wolfing down a green sugar cookie tree. This kicked off a 20 minute conversation about the colour green.

"What's your favourite colour?"
"Is green your favourite? Or is red your favourite?"
"I like green"
"There are green trees there and there and there and there."
" 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6. . . green trees"
"Mama, do you like green?"
"Dad, do you like green?"
"Pace likes green."
"Maddy likes purple."
"Green is my favourite colour."

And it went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. . . And on. 

Finally we got to the point where we had about 20 more cookies left to ice. I had had enough green talk, so purposed to Calder that we talk about something else. He had no clue what I meant, so I asked him, "What's your favourite animal?" to get things started.

His response? "The green ones." Game, Set, Match - Calder.


  1. Epic victory. Well played Calder! :)

  2. LOL. Thanks for the (much needed) giggles this morning. Calder is at my favorite age for children (I LOVE toddlers, probably because they are so funny without even trying, and their minds are like sponges: totally fascinating!). They are also very persistent when they have found something they like talking I love that he is wearing a green shirt also!
    When I clicked on the link I expected a recipe Jordan! ;)


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