
We left on a ski/snowboarding trip with my family on the 22nd and got home last night. For those 5 days I unplugged myself from technology. I didn't check my blog (I had set those posts to be published before we left). I didn't check facebook or my email. I didn't text (which is no great feat since I often don't even know where my phone is let alone have it charged).

It felt good to be unplugged. I thought I might miss it, but in fact when I got home last night I wanted to continue to remain unplugged. Saddly, it wasn't to be. I needed to check my email to make and confirm some plans for later in the break. Once I got on the computer I couldn't help but check my blog and read all of the posts that I had missed on my blog list. After writing this, I am sure I will immediately go to facebook to see what I missed there. I am going to try and take more breaks from technology. Even just for a day at a time. It was refreshing.

I have lots to say about our holiday and our Christmas, but I am not sure when I will get to it. When we got to our destination I tried to turn on my camera with no success (and yes I changed the batteries!). I took lots of photos with other people's cameras, but I haven't got them from them yet. The story of our trip will be better with photos so it may just have to wait.

Hugh and I have a busy week planned with our first stop being Don's Photo to get my camera checked out! Hopefully it is a quick fix, because we have 2 more big adventures to document before the holidays are over.


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