Everybody's Got A Story

Last Thursday we did The Terry Fox Run at my school and for a treat I walked with my grade 9's to Tim Hortons. The man behind me in line started chatting with me. At first I was polite, but quite short. I have never really liked small talk and since Tripp died I seem to like it even less. It only took a few moments for my attitude to change. The man starting saying that making small talk in line helps the time pass quicker. A spotlight hit me in the face. We are all connected and this man is trying to connect. We chatted for the 3 minutes and parted ways with a smile.

The man had come into Tim Hortons carrying one of those zip up portfolios. He had a beard and a dirty ball hat on. My first impression was that he possibly owned a business in a trade. The longer we stood there and the more we talked, I began to wonder if he was unemployed. Then I questioned if he was even homeless. 

I don't know his story and I have been thinking a lot about this.

When Tripp first died I wanted, in a lot of ways, to wear a sign that read, "My Baby Died." I kept thinking, people don't know what a big deal it is that I am even out of bed.  

Lately, I have been wondering about what other people's signs say. People go to Walmart, Tims, and the post office everyday. Some of those people are going through a divorce, some of them have parents with cancer, some of those people are like me. 

Sometimes the look on our face is just a mask. I have started looking at people closer, wondering, what is your story?

Amanda Marshall's song Everybody's Got a Story, has been popping into my head.

See my eyes, don't see what I see
Touch my tongue, don't know what tastes good to me
It's the human condition that keeps us apart
Everybody's got a story that could break your heart


  1. Ever since my story began (my son was diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease in April) - I think about that quite often. I wonder what other people have going on. I'm just a regular person - out doing regular things with a crazy thing happening at home. There have got to be a lot of stories out there.

    Hearing about your story helps me through mine.

  2. Oh, Karen. I am so sorry to hear that. I can not imagine what you are going through.

    I am glad my story helps you with yours. Hugh and I often talk about the difference between our grieving processes. I am like you. I find hearing about other people's stories helping and often times comforting as well.

    If you blog, I would love to read.

    Take care. You will definitely be in my thoughts.

  3. Karen, I am sorry to hear that as well.

    On the lighter side of this topic:

    I always think this when I am driving. I found it helped with my anger management. I always try to imagine what possible reason the person in front of me has for driving like they are! I find when I try to imagine what another person is going through, I am more understanding.

    Jes ;)

  4. I didn't mean to be a downer with the whole Tay-Sachs thing. I feel that often happens when I talk about Oliver. I want people to know about him, but I don't want to bring it up.

    That being said, a little story was done about Oliver on the news the other week.


    Kind of funny.. your blog 'Everybody's Got A Story'.. and I link to 'Oliver's Story'. Anyway.

  5. Karen,

    You're not a downer by mentioning Tay-Sachs. I'm glad you shared. I will read your link. I wanted to share my anger management story and didn't know how to lead in.



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