2 Short Thoughts

Since I am getting down to business at work, I am going to keep this short.

1. Why am I not an expert at doing my own hair? My hair has been this style for almost 15 years. You'd think by now I would be able to nail it every time. Instead, I hated it yesterday, but I must have done something different today, because I love it!

2. Beat It, Thriller, Smooth Criminal, Black or White and my all-time favorite, Billy-Jean. I downloaded Michael Jackson's This Is It and have been listening to it non-stop. My family is heading to Michael Jackson The Immortal Tour Cirque du Soleil on Saturday. It is going to be AWWWWWE-SOME!

Have a great weekend. Hug your kids.


  1. Jealous! Cirque is great everytime and we are huge MJ fans. Jaiden and emme totally rock it out to that CD all the time!


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