My Happiness Project Week 12

There has been so much good stuff the last week, I am just going to highlight some of the things I wrote down.

Monday. Calder and I went to Pearson’s and bought him 5 new cars. The good stuff? Seeing him SO excited.

Tuesday. Coffee on Mom’s deck. The good stuff? The sunshine, Calder building roads with tiles, and a few marching breaks with Calder.

Wednesday. The lake and the weather. The good stuff? Hugh’s out of the blue, thoughtful smile at me when we got supper ready. No words. Just a smile.

Thursday. More lake and beautiful weather. The good stuff? #1 - I ran and it made me feel powerful. #2 - Hugh woke up in the middle of the night and the covers were slightly over my face and he tucked me in.

Friday. Time spent on the lake. The good stuff? 2 hours fishing and a canoe ride on the glass-like lake.

Saturday. Extended family. The good stuff? The chaos that ensued when my dad, mom, and sister arrived at the cabin.

Sunday. More time with my family. The good stuff? Watching Jes and Calder interact and curling up with Calder at the end of the day for some quiet time on the deck. Just him, me, and the movie, Cars.

We were on holidays last week, which allowed for MANY good stuff moments, but I am confident there is good stuff any day, so I am going to try and do this for a week again in the fall. The fall is so busy for me with school start-up and coaching, so it would be a great time to do some reflecting after stressful, jam-packed days.

I am taking this week off any new happiness project stuff. I am just going to enjoy the last few days of holidays with my boys. 


  1. Glad you had a great week. Thought of you this weekend. At the Cody Martin memorial tourney we had a charity fastball game of pats/old girls vs. new db's. Had to base coach due to my broken hand but enjoyed reminiscing about our kick ass team back in the day. And the crabs are always good for a laugh ;) Ball can sure be good for the soul!


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