Full House

My brother, Luke, lives with us. He has been camping out in our basement for just over a year. We love it. It is great for Calder to have Uncle Luke around and Hugh and I love his company as well. Because Luke lives with us, we also get to enjoy his girlfriend, Brittany's company quite a bit too. She is a sweetheart and don't tell Luke, but I think she is in love with Calder.

Last night, my sister, Jes, moved into our house with her boyfriend, Nate. Oh, and her cat Mayo came along with them. Jes and Nate are relocating to Saskatoon and while they get all the details sorted out they are staying with us. I think Nate's one night in "the crazy house" got to him. He left this morning before 8 am and he has found a place that he can move into on the weekend! We are super pumped that they are going to give living in Saskatoon a try. (We really want Nate to like it, so please help me find him a competitive Sr. Men's Basketball team to play on - He's 6'6", I don't think it will be that hard, but nevertheless (*love that word) I need help) Hugh and I are looking forward to having them babysit Calder spending more time with them.

Hugh could easily play Danny Tanner (Bob Saget's character) in our full house - He has at least as many cheesy jokes.



  1. Looks like a lot of fun in your house!!!! Ask Sandra Larsen about basketball teams...she may be able to help you out.

  2. Sounds like fun!!!


  3. I can totally see Hugh as Danny Tanner. LOL! Good luck with the full house and school start up.


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