
Tuesday 8:12 pm

My job can be exhilarating, fun, and rewarding.

My job can also be confrontational, stressful, and frustrating.

Everyday can have parts of both lists, but today was a lot of the 2nd list. As we approach the anniversary of Tripp's death I am finding myself to be a lot more angry at things and a lot more sad at things. Today at school my eyes filled with tears on 4 separate occasions. Some of the tears were out of frustration and some out of sadness.

At one point, as I sad with my elbows on my desk holding my head in my hands, one of my students said, "Mrs. Hamilton, you look stressed." I was stressed and I was thinking about Tripp. I kind of wished she would have asked why I looked that way. I might have shared Tripp with her in that moment. . .

I am going to snuggle on the couch with my Valentine and get to bed early.

Here's to a Wednesday filled with more stuff from the first list than the second. The great thing about my job is you can't predict how the day will unfold.


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