
Today I am inspired by THIS.

I am grateful for the hug I got from Calder last night. It was the kind of hug that almost knocks you over and is so tight you have to hold your breath.

I am grateful for a husband who takes care of me, which includes packing my lunch and bringing me coffee EVERY SINGLE MORNING. I am also grateful for a husband who likes to hold my hand.

I am grateful for a job I love and for the most magnificent pink and orange streaked sunrise on my way to work this morning (I was so wishing I had my camera).

I am grateful for friends who make time zoom by and for a family that accepts me for who I am.


  1. Great blog my friend. I sometimes get caught up in my "busy" life and take what I am grateful for for granted. I loved the blog. It made me take a moment and reflect on what I am grateful for. Something that should be done more often. You have made my day:) Thank you!

  2. I went to school with Hugh and am a friend of Bo's. She told me about your blog. I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your loss and that I admire the incredible amount of strength it must take to go through something like this. Your family will be in my prayers.


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