Calder's Big Boy Room

Calder has been sleeping in his big boy room since Friday. Last night was the first night he crawled out after we put him down. Hugh and I suppressed our laughter as Calder slunk out the first time. He was trying to be so sneaky. He had his back pressed against the hallway wall as he shuffled along. Hugh and I got a hold of ourselves, said goodnight and I laid him back down. Not 30 seconds later we heard rustling. I got up from the kitchen table just in time to catch Calder opening his bedroom door. I didn't say a word, just put him back in bed. We didn't hear from him again. . . until 11:30 pm. Calder called for Hugh because he had to go to the bathroom! We were pretty proud of him this morning when he had a totally dry diaper!

Calder has still been sleeping 12 plus hours. Last night he was asleep around 6:45 pm and this morning at 7 am we had to open his door to get him to wake up. We are beginning to wonder if he needs his nap back. Hugh and I are going to give this new bedtime a good solid try and reassess Calder's sleeping on the weekend. One more reason that babies and kids should come with their own personal manual! It would take a bit of the guess work out of it.

Here are a few pictures of the big boy room. My friend, Kerri, was over on the weekend. She peaked into the big boy room and welled up with tears. I imagine she was experiencing the same emotions I felt on Friday. It was bittersweet just as Kelly commented. Slowly over time the big boy room will just become Calder's room.


  1. love it! Great job on the decorating!

  2. Amazing! I LOVE IT. My kids would be ever so lucky to have a room that looks so nice:) You have great design taste Jordan!

  3. This is a great room for a little guy. You have given me some ideas for the one i am decorating!

  4. btw. "Oh The Places You Will Go" is my FAVOURITE kids book:)

  5. Who did the painting and the hanging of the pictures, etc.? It looks very professional and I would love to hire him/her? Wow! Great room.

  6. This room didn't seem this cool when I lived in it :)

  7. Okay, seriously.....I am telling myself that you spent and hour cleaning in that room before you took those pictures (because that is what I would have to do!!)
    - it looks so amazing!! Remind me again....where do you buy your wall art?


  8. First, nice comment, Hugh.

    Thanks for all the compliments everyone.

    Ader search wall art on there is tons of great stuff.


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