Parent Teacher Interviews

Thursday 4:12 pm

Parent Teacher Interviews are tonight and continue tomorrow afternoon. Last year I was blindsided, but I re-read that post and it gave me strength.

Unlike last year, I am confident I will be sharing Tripp with numerous parents. This year I am going to tell them I can't teach on Wednesdays because Tripp died and in order for this baby to have a chance of survival I need to be at the hospital once a week for treatments.

I am tired today from my treatments, so I am not going to pretend that saying he died over and and over isn't going to be hard. It will be hard. I just starting crying thinking about it.

I might cry tonight, but I might not. Once in the groove of interviews, it is hard to do more than just deal with what is directly in front of you. There won't be time to try and conjure up an image of what our 1.5 year old might look like tonight. Nor will there be time to get lost in thoughts of, "It's not fair."

I just decided I am picking up a decaf pumpkin spice latte on my way to interviews. A little treat couldn't hurt.


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