Pretty Red Shoes

I have been playing a new game with Calder. Hugh and I used to play it a lot, so it is fun to now be able to include Calder. The game is called "I love you more than . . . " and here is a sample of a conversation we had yesterday at the table:

J: I love you more than milk.
C: I love you more than ketchup.
J: I love you more than reading.
C: I love you more than glasses on your face.
J: I love you more than playing ball.
C: I love you more than peanuts.
J: I love you more than my new red shoes.
C: I love your pretty red shoes.

I just about rolled out of my chair laughing. I got two new pairs of shoes on trip to Toronto and Calder has been wearing them out! He bangs down the hall in them and then runs to the bedroom to get the other pair.

Too cute!

Hugh jokes that my shoes actually fit Calder. Apparently, Hugh thinks I have tiny carnie feet to go along with my tiny carnie hands (I have my sister and brother to thank for that one). 

Not quite as cute!

UPDATE: Just saw Deena pinned this! Too funny.


  1. Hahahahaha.... I love what kids will come up with. That is great!


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