Hockey First

On Thursday we had a hockey first in our family. It was the first time my brother, Luke, and husband, Hugh, played on the same team.

They were both picked up by Balgonie to play AAA Provincials. Thursday night was game 5 and although they came up short, the whole family was there to watch (minus Calder - much to late of a night for the big guy).

I wanted to get some better pictures, but I knew that following a loss the guys wouldn't stay out for their sister/wife to snap a couple of memory shots!

Here were the two best.
You can see Hugh (#5) in the middle of the shot. Luke is to the right (#26)
Hugh and Luke are at the far right
They didn't play together that night. The coach should have asked me my opinion, because I think that Luke and Hugh would be an excellent pairing. I mean, one even shoots right and the other left! LOL


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