Running Update

I had my best run so far last night. I jogged 4 km in 28:36. I had done 4 km before but recently I had been wimping out and walking for a bit in the middle of my runs. I say wimping out because before those runs I had pumped myself up to run the whole 4 km, but during the run I completely talked myself out of it. My pace for the runs I wimped out averaged about 6'40"/km. Today I ran at a pace of 7'07"/km. I felt much better the entire run. For right now, this is the pace I am going to try and stay at. I am really excited to run fast, but I need to be able to run 5 km first!

I am going to run one more 4 km this week and next week I am going to move on to 4.25 km!

Here are some pictures from a couple of my recent runs.

I am using the Nike + app to track my progress. I like it because it interrupts my music when I have completed a kilometer and it tells me the speed at which I ran at the same time. The app also allows you to track your progress from run to run and look back at your previous runs statistics. There is also an option to post the results of your runs on Facebook. I haven't done this yet, but I think I may start. I have a few friends that often post their runs on Facebook and regardless of the distance they have ran, I am always psyched to see that they were out being active. It motivates me to run. There is a way to add "friends" to the Nike + app. My sister has added me, but I'm still not sure how it all works :-) If you walk/run, I definitely recommend this app. Best of all, it's free!

Happy activity - whatever it is you choose to do!


  1. High fives! It's too bad we couldn't sync our runs and be able to talk each other out of talking ourselves out of the run. I do the same thing....

  2. Aweaome job!! I'm starting on monday you are inspiring me!! Thanks

  3. Awesome job!!! Also if you are interested in another App that is awesome try Runtastic Pro. I love it! I also love it because it will run in the background (and not kill your battery) and track your activity for the entire day!


  4. Way to go Jordan! And way to shut down your inner weasel! You are doing so good. If you can do 4K, then you'll have no trouble doing 5K. You should be so proud of yourself!

  5. I have been inspired to get back on track with running. I finished my 3rd run yesterday on the "Couch to 5km" app. It felt great! I like it because it runs in the background and interrupts my music to tell me when to walk or run. I am playing around with the "Map my Run" app but haven't quite figured it out yet. Keep up the great work!


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