Hamilton CEO

Our recent getaway took weeks to organize (more on the actual trip when I get the photos downloaded). We went with friends so we had to coordinate schedules, plan a destination, book hotels, and pack. It is safe to say that in our house, I did ALL of the planning. 

I baked muffins and cookies to take. I made grocery lists. I did laundry and gathered life jackets, found sunscreen and hats. I made Calder a road trip bag filled with goodies I purchased, found at the library and at our house. You might be thinking, "Yah, but you are on Maternity Leave and Hugh is working." You are absolutely correct, but trust me, had I been working it would have worked out the exact same way :-)

Hugh is a great assistant, but when it comes to our lives, I am the CEO. I was able to send Hugh a grocery list late last week to save myself a trip to the city (He then subsequently ate all the fruit that night with Calder's help and had to go back :-). Hugh is also great at taking orders when I am in a frenzy and he assisted in some of the night before packing. Hugh's ultimate road trip assistant strength lies in our van. He is always on top of having the oil changed and he is the one who cleans it (it is my mess - so I am very thankful!). Hugh also is great at packing the van. He always seems to get it organized perfectly.

I used to get completely frustrated and infuriated that Hugh wasn't better at planning and organizing our lives. I mean, he is a great planner at work, right? I have slowly started to come realize that we both have different strengths and this just isn't one of Hugh's and after a number of conversations with friends and family it sounds like this might be a "guy thing". 

Usually when I start to feel overwhelmed about organizing events in our lives, I would do the "usual" and get mad at Hugh. I mean, my thought process seemed logical. He wasn't involved, so that must mean it was his fault! This time instead of playing the blame Hugh game, I quickly reminded myself that not only COULD Hugh help, he actually wanted to - He just needed to be told EXACTLY what to do. I would then quickly grab my iPhone, create a note (with some serious details) and message it to him. Hugh to the rescue. Stress relieved. 

And truth be told, I probably wouldn't want to relinquish control of our lives even if Hugh did want to take a more active role at organizing them ;-)


  1. that sounds exactly like our house too.

  2. that is my house too Jordan... you aren't alone!! and you're right it probably is a guy thing!!

  3. Yup! Except I also pack the van. Funny how it takes so long to realize that you just have to ask instead of getting mad, hey?

  4. OH so true. Except that I'm the GM and D's the coach... ;)

    And I pack the car. Because organization is my thing (and totally not D's... :s;)), along with being a control freak, planner, and dictator. ;)

    D, like Hugh, loves to help in whatever way I need, but has learned to just get out of my way... I just need to learn now to ask for help so that he can!


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