Royal Baby Fever (and a contest) - UPDATED

During my breastfeeding daytime television watching I am constantly bombarded with speculation about when the Royal Baby is going to arrive. Obviously the media is not going to give this girl any space, but I just get a kick out of hearing them saying, "Reports say TODAY is the due date" every second day!
Link to original image
I think it is pretty awesome that the British government changed its law of succession to state that sons and daughters have equal rights to the throne. This means that the baby in Kate's belly will one day sit on the throne.

I thought it might be fun to get in on a bit of the Royal Baby fever and have a contest. If you can guess the correct name to the future heir, I will make a donation to the charity of your choice. My guess is Alexandra and I will be donating to NH research. And if no one gets it right I will just draw a name out of a hat!

Please put your name and the charity of your choice in the comments section. If you are having trouble leaving a comment email me at jmf322(at)gmail(dot)com to have your selection added. Good luck!

Submissions on FB and email:
Jessica - Annabelle or Andrew
Katie - Victoria or George
Wendy - Dianna or George
Hugh - Elizabeth or Edward
Erin - Henry
Bruce - Oliver

Now that it is officially a boy, Abbey is going to add James to her submission and I am going to go put Charles forward as my choice!

There is still time to get in! 


  1. Philip :)

    Hopefully we'll at least know the gender soon!!

    ... Maybe I should wait so that it's narrowed down! ;)

  2. Oh man, it's so fun to see what others think! :)

    (I actually really hope it's George! ;))


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