Gormley's "Ten things I wish I'd known earlier"
John Gormley spoke at the College of Law's Graduation banquet and wrote about his speech in his column this week . The column was titled "Ten things I wish I'd known earlier" and in it he shared the then things he shared with the graduates. My Favorites: 1. Lady Macbeth was right: "What is done is done and can't be undone." Learn from your mistakes, personal and professional, and then move on. Regret and dwelling on what you cannot change will strip your soul; Somehow this past semester I missed calling a parent whose child's mark had been steadily dropping since midterm reports. I try to call or email parents at least once before report cards if there is a concern (there was no concern before midterms with this particular student) and I ALWAYS call parents of students who are at jeopardy of failing my class about a month before final exams. This one particular call got missed and the student ended up failing their final. I felt awful. I had ma...