Our Week

Hugh was off work Monday through Wednesday. We fit lots of family stuff in - swimming, a couple of hockey games, and a bit of laying on the couch! I have been enjoying being with the boys and have put writing on the back burner.

I would like to thank everyone for the thoughts, prayers, lit candles, flowers, balloons, messages, and the random acts of kindness that were done to acknowledge Tripp's birthday. It really does feel wonderful to know so many people care about us and about Tripp.

Saturday is the 23rd. The two year anniversary to Tripp's death. I have been trying not to think about it this week and have actually been fairly successful at it. I really don't know what Saturday will bring. We don't have plans and I don't really want to make any. With Tripp's birthday and the anniversary of his death being so close together, I just want to kind of ignore the anniversary. Not sure if that's healthy, or if it will even work.

Who am I kidding? As much as I want to ignore the anniversary, it will come and I will think of it. I will get emotional. And maybe if I'm inclined, I will even write something - because that's just what I do.


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