Hugh's new number

Calder is still obsessed with numbers. Lately he has been peppering me with questions like, "How old was Dad when I was 2?", "How old were you when I was born?", "How old will Dad be when I am 92?" FYI: Calder now thinks Hugh and I are going to live well into our 100s. The first time Calder asked one of these questions and it took our ages to a ridiculous number, Hugh tried to explain to him that people don't typically live that long. That led to our little man being scared about his mom and dad dying. So, for the record, Hugh and I both now plan to live well into our 100s!

Calder knows both mine and Hugh's ages and also likes to list off ages of himself and the baby. "When I am 4 the baby will be zero. When I am 5 the baby will be 1. When I am 6 the baby will be 2. . . ." That sequence has been known to go on until Calder is a teenager!

Today is the day Calder has to learn a new age for Hugh. For 25 days, Calder will be 3 and Hugh will be 36!

Hugh is a creature of habit. In fact, I didn't even bother to ask him what he wanted to do for his birthday. Hugh doesn't particularly like to celebrate with a group of people. He prefers if it is just Calder and I, so that's what he'll get. Hugh has a favorite meal that no other meal truly competes with, so tonight we will be having steak. As for a birthday cake, Hugh isn't picky. In fact, I think the best cake to sing happy birthday around would be a second steak with a candle in it. Calder and I do have a surprise in store for Hugh in this regard, but he will just have to wait until the moment we break into song to see what it is! Hugh isn't big on presents (we are so not alike ;-), but he has been loving our basement and the new entertainment system, so I got him Apple TV. Hugh plugged it in for me yesterday and I got our universal remote set up (we have all the "equipment" for our TV in the utility room out of sight - It took me approximately 3 hours to get that darn remote working properly! LOL Let's hope Hugh enjoys being able to pause Net Flicks from the comfort of our couch!)

4051290 Calder wanted to type something. No surprise you got numbers.

Hugh is an amazing husband and father. I feel incredibly lucky to get to be one of the 2 people Hugh wants at his party today. It is at times like this, when I reflect on how lucky I truly am to have him in my life, that I just can't help but think, "I can't believe he picked me?!"

I hope you have a wonderful day, babe. Love you more than you love steak.


  1. Happy Birthday Hugh!! You must have been easy to pick Jord. If I remember correctly he picked you rather quickly. xoxoxox

  2. As soon as you said he had a favorite meal I knew it was steak. I remember all the women on staff worrying about his health when you went away for a week, a few years ago, because we knew all he would eat is steak with his steak.
    Happy Birthay Hughie!

    Jodi K.

  3. Happy Birthday Hughie...I also knew your favorite meal is steak, and guesssed it before reading it. I hope maybe it was BBQ'd. Enjoy your meal with two of your favorite people.


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