Welcome Back

The welcome back is for myself. I hadn't planned on taking a blogging break. It just happened. Things were too busy with family to make time for me - and that was okay. There hasn't been a day that goes by that I haven't thought of something I wanted to write about. I just didn't take the time to do it.

So here I am in 2013. I feel quite different than I did a year ago. At the start of 2012 Hugh and I were making family plans and it was quite stressful. In 2013 we are stressed awaiting the arrival of the decision we came to a year ago.

I am relieved to get to 2013. I don't want to have this baby early, but I really didn't want to have it in December. I am 31 weeks now and at 32 weeks premies have a very good rate of survival. Our premie maybe in a different boat because of NH, but I will be glad when next Wednesday rolls around and I officially hit #32.

2012 marked the last of my "Grief Firsts" and it also marked a time where I learned more about what my grief will look like in the years to come. I have learned I can't predict how I will feel, but I have also learned a lot about myself in 2012. That being said, I can barely fathom how it has been almost two years since we lost Tripp.

I am not making a New Year's Resolution for 2013. I often make resolutions around around exercising, but my Braxton Hicks barely allow me to be on my feet for an hour, let alone allow me to go for a run. I am trying to enjoy my rounded figure and the changes in my body, but I really do like my regular body and am looking forward to getting into a workout and eating routine once I get healed after this baby arrives!

In 2013 I am looking forward to watching Calder learn. He is a sponge and we are constantly amazed by what he can learn. I also look forward to meeting my baby. I have started to picture 2013 and in it there is a baby. It makes me smile.

Wishing you all the best in 2013.


  1. Happy New Year to you, Hugh, and Calder. All the best in 2013.

    Tuombomb and family.


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