Packing my bags

Hugh has been telling me to "Pack my suitcase" for over a month. No, he isn't kicking his pregnant wife to the curb! He knows me and doesn't want to be involved in the panic that will ensure in our house if I go into labour without a packed bag.

I have been avoiding doing anything to get ready for this baby. I haven't bought a single thing. I haven't pulled out any baby items, cloth diapers, monitors, bedding or even a single sleeper. I don't want to be in a position to have to return items to a store, or even pack away a tub of clothing if this baby doesn't come home.

I didn't even want to pack a suitcase and it wasn't until last week that I realized that one of the very few things I can actually bank on is giving birth to this baby. I don't know what the process will look like, but this babe is only getting bigger and it can't stay all cosy in my belly forever.

So although, I refuse to make plans for bringing a baby home, I can make plans for it's arrival to this world.

I have the first step completed. A suitcase is out. There is nothing in it, but I am going to put that thing in the nursery and start slowly placing items in it. I have a "Take to the Hospital" list I kept from when we had Calder. I know where it is and am going to start checking items off. It feels good to be thinking about this baby coming. I don't need to wedge, "hopefully" into any statement I make about this baby's birth, like I do when talking about having the baby at home. This baby is not hopefully coming. This baby is coming.

Just before I had Tripp I heard about Hypnobirthing. I did a bit of reading about it online and liked what I read. I did not have the experience I wanted for Calder's birth and wanted to change that for our 2nd. Tripp came too early for me to read the book I had wanted to, but since I am emotionally ready to prepare for #3's entrance into this world, I am going to start reading now. I downloaded Hypnobirthing: The breakthrough natural approach to safer, easier, more comfortable birthing. If you have read this, I would love to hear your thoughts!

I am a planner and I am excited to make a plan, of course not carved in stone, for this baby's arrival.


  1. I'd love to hear what you thought of Hypnobirthing! ...and see your list for the hospital too, if you're willing to share! :)

  2. I am so glad you are reading hypnobirthing! I think it is a great resource when planning the arrival of your babe:) I obviously did not get to use the hypnobirthing methods when Georgie came into this world, but I was really excited to! My doula had a client use hypnobabies a couple months before I was due and she said the birth was AMAZING.
    Another hint for a peaceful birth? Bring some objects (pictures, little objects, etc) to focus on during the really difficult stages. I had printed off really empowering birth pictures for my labour with motivational messages. It helps to have something to focus on, other then the bright and sterile hospital room. also, make a cd of music that really makes you feel happy. It doesn't have to be typical 'meditation music', it could be rock or country is that is what makes you feel strong.
    I am so glad you are aiming for a VBAC Jordan:) I am SOOOO proud of you! You are so strong and you can do anything! I believe in you!


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