Baby #3 Update

My skin colour matches our walls in this picture. That is not good!
I will be 34 weeks on Wednesday! I am really trying to focus on enjoying each moment of this pregnancy. I am starting to get a bit anxious to have this baby - I want to know FOR SURE it is healthy, but I also know that these last moments with my baby safely stowed away in my belly are really special too.

On Friday I had a doctor's appointment. I have 2 more IVIG appointments left (they finish at 35 weeks) and I asked Dr. M why they don't go right up to the moment we have the baby. She said that there is some indication that the treatment provides no benefit after 35 weeks and that there is a school of thought that it is better for the baby to have all of the IVIG out of my system when I go into labour. I am definitely NOT sad I only have 2 treatments left - Just scared about what that means for my baby (I don't want my stupid antibodies attacking).

I had an ultrasound on Friday as well. Dr. M said that this is the time we start to watch the liver. And by watching, she means just that. Apparently the research says that sometimes you can see iron deposits on the liver at this point. But, if you see the spots it doesn't necessarily mean that the baby is affected with NH. On the flip side, if you don't see spots, it doesn't necessaritly mean that that baby is not affected with NH. So, we begin watching! Dr. M didn't see any spots, which she said was good, but reaffirmed that it doesn't mean that baby isn't affected (I think I do feel better not having seen the spots, though!).

The baby's growth is perfect. He/She is still above average sitting somewhere between the 85th and 90th percentile. Dr. M said the baby is approximately 6 pounds, which if accurate, is the biggest baby I've ever had in my belly (Calder was 5 lb 7 oz, Tripp 4 lb 6 oz).

My weight gain is also good. My goal is to stay within the recommended range of 25lb - 35lb and it looks like I will make that goal (despite the obscene number of Icy Squares I have been eating since Christmas!). Thank-you for those of you that have commented in person and on my blog about great you think I look! It does make a pregnant woman feel good to hear that :-) To those of you who say I am only belly, you should look closely at these two pictures.

I am definitely more curvy, now! In fact, I am thinking I like my bootilcious bottom more in my prego picture. I am going to have to consider adding some sort of squats to my post baby fitness regime to keep some of that curve around! Oh, and check out the boots! I purposely put those on so you could get a good look at my $270 purchase :-) Keep those comments coming as well, I am still cringing a bit at the price :-)


  1. Jordan - You are one hot Mamma!!

  2. You look GREAT! Only a few more weeks! Eeekkk!!! I am excited!

  3. You look awesome Jordan! The boots are very nice too. 6 lb baby is a good keep up the good work. I pray that you see no spots on the liver. I wish you all the best with your labour & delivery. With my second, Preston pretty much flew out!! hahaha! Can't wait to hear of your exciting baby news!

    Janelle S.

  4. You look FANTASTIC! Thank you so much for posting photos too... you look so wonderful!

    Those boots are TOTALLY worth much more than what you paid for them.. guaranteed you'll wear them often and forever! :) They'll be "favourites" for a long long time! :)

  5. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, everyone!!!!!


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