Super Mom revisited

You may have recently come across a blog post titled Moms when are you going to learn. It has been circulating my facebook wall. It is a great post about loving the kind of mom you are and not feeling badly about the kind of mom you aren't.

Unlike the author, I will NEVER host a pinterest worthy party. I am the kind of mom who always has baking in her freezer along side hotdogs and leftover cake pops. I love to grow my garden and spend time outdoors with my family. I am the kind of mom who reads books to her kids and doesn't care if they miss the odd bath night. I drive a mini-van with 200,000 kms and like to buy expensive shoes. I am the kind of mom who tries to get together with her girlfriends for the occasional supper out and finds a sitter every few months for a date night with my amazing hubby. My kids know what comes with a Happy Meal and also what homemade spaghetti sauce tastes like. My house will never be decorated like a show home and the photographs on my walls will almost always need updating. I am the kind of mom who takes a lot of pictures and videos and has them neatly organized and edited. I am the kind of mom who likes what it feels like after a good run and the kind that does not "throw like a girl".

I know I need to worry less about the things I'm not. I can not do it all, but I am quite proud of the things I do. I need to let that be enough, rather than worry about looking as trendy as other moms or about the fact that I never seem to get that hand sanitizer into my purse.

The author sums up her post by saying, "No one is Super Mom." I get what she is saying. None of us can do it all. But you know what? Superman doesn't do it all either. Although he is faster than a speeding bullet and has super human strength, Superman can't sling a web (Spiderman), nor can he telepathically communicate with marine life (Aquaman)!

I have often talked about being SUPER MOM on this forum. I definitely was not talking about being at the top of every mom category. I was just being super at the things that I needed to do. Some days that means I get all the laundry done, make muffins and take my kids on an outing. It does not mean that Hugh got freshly pressed pants (I don't iron), nor does it mean my muffins would take first prize at the Connaught Fair or that my kids were perfectly behaved while we were out. It just means I did it. I got s*#t done. And for me, that's what being a SUPER MOM means.

Happy Monday!


  1. Oh man, I want to read this every day for a year. I LOVED reading the things you're good at and proud of, and the things that make you YOU!! I can't wait to know more about who I am as a mom.

    But you're right. While I know there's no such thing as super mom.. there are some times when I feel like I am! :) Just because I feel like I'm doing the right things, at the right time, sometimes under less than ideal circumstances! :)

    Thank you for this. I want to know more about who you are as a mom! :) (or as a person... really. I want to see more of your shoes! :))


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