Better Day

I am feeling less sad today, but I still wanted to share THIS video. It is called

It Happens To A Family Every 21 Minutes, Yet No One Is Talking About It

I saw it posted on a friend's Facebook wall. She is someone I met through the loss of our babies. She lost her angel 3 years ago this past week. 

When I first saw the video post I didn't want to watch it. I knew it would make me cry. I pondered it for a couple of days and in the end watched it in honour of my friend's baby. I connected in so many ways. I am glad I watched it. I wanted to share in case there is someone else out there reading my blog that wants a connection and to feel a bit less alone on this journey.

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Thank you for posting this. I have sent it to some very close to me that lost her angel 18 years ago next week....she still misses her so much....

  2. Glad to be able to share. I'm sure your friend appreciates your gesture and the acknowledgement of her angel :-)

  3. A few months ago I had a baby. We both almost died. It is still hard to process; I have no idea how to process it. It is difficult. During the day I just go through life, with it's busyness. But at night I hold him close, afraid i still might lose him. I read articles and watch videos like this and I can't imagine how much more painful it would be if we had lost him.

  4. I'm so glad you and your babe are alright. That must have been incredibly scary. There is nothing wrong with holding him close. I don't think you can truly imagine what it is like to lose unless you do and I think that it's a good thing. Try not to torture yourself with the what if's (although I know it's easier said than done). I wish you and your little one all the best.


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