Super-sized round 3

Pregnant with Calder - 24 weeks

Pregnant with Tripp - 23 weeks

 Pregnant with #3 - 24 weeks

I look HUGE in round 3! 
My weight gain is virtually the same at this point for all 3 pregnancies. How the heck can that be? LOL

Okay. Maybe I'm not huge, but here I am pregnant with Tripp at 27 weeks. Looks like I am about 3 weeks up from last time!

I am heading the the Fetal Assessment Unit on Monday for an ultrasound. According to one of my nurses at CTC (where I get my IVIG treatments), my obstetrician "basically runs FAU with another obstetrician". This means I get to see my obstetrician for this appointment, which is awesome. I am really happy that there is one doctor who will know everything about my case. My doctor told me that the ultrasound equipment in FAU is better, so we will get a better look at the baby and placenta. I'm not sure how often I will have to head to FAU. My doctor said that we will see how things look on Monday and go from there!

The baby has been kicking up a storm the last few days. Calder even got to feel a kick. I wish I could have taken a picture of the look on his face when he felt it! Priceless :-)


  1. So awesome! Oh man, to see the look on his face would've been amazing! :)

    Will be thinking of you lots on Monday- I'm glad you'll go directly to FAU. <3

  2. aww you look incredible! Good luck at the Fetal Assessment scan, we were there when I was pregnant with Liam. The scan is much longer and more detailed and the technician is so stone-faced you'd never know what was up. She even asked that there would be no talking during the entire scan! Dr. Martel was the doc that did it for us and she was wonderful :)

  3. You look winderful Jordan!

    I also had the same problem as you...i look HUG with baby #3 but my weight was the same with all three?!? Maybe our bodies just remember and our muscles loosen all that much faste...who know, but you look gorgeous regardless!

  4. I bet you are having a girl....;)

    You look awesome! Hope all goes great at the scan!

  5. You look great in all the pictures. Although, my favorite hair style is the one with Calder! Good Luck on scan day.

  6. Thanks, ladies!

    Dani - Calder's face was lit up with pure shock!
    Carmen - I am so glad I have Martel :-) We are in good hands!
    Becky - I am glad to hear that I am not the only one looking huge with #3. I think you are right about our bodies just knowing. I was getting a lump at 5 weeks with this one (saggy muscles) and even with Tripp that didn't happen until closer to 8 weeks.
    Kelly - interestingly, basically anyone who takes a guess at the sex of this baby says girl. You might be on to something!
    Rhonda - When I looked at my hair in Calder's picture I had a serious urge to get a cut. I really like it that length too!


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