A baby makes 5

I have been thinking a lot the past couple weeks about the experience our family, in particular Calder, is going to have when we bring our baby home in March. It is all I can do not to write "hopefully" in that statement - and probably even writing this statement negates the fact that I didn't write it :-)

Calder was a couple weeks shy of 2 years old when Tripp was born. He understood that there was a baby, but likely had no idea how his life would be affected. When we bring this baby home he will be 4. Right now, he talks about the baby with us every day. Some days we initiate, but usually he does. Calder talks about the baby at daycare - even asking the other kids if their moms have babies in their bellies! Obviously, I don't think that he can fully fathom the impact this baby will have on his life, but he certainly has a good understanding of what it means to have a baby. And he truly is thrilled.

If we had Tripp at home, I suspect that Calder wouldn't be quite as excited. He would have had a little brother pestering him for over a year.  I am not sure the prospect of having another sibling pester him would be quite as exciting as having a brother or sister in our home for the first time.

This morning Calder listed off the 3 people in our family. He then told me when the baby comes home there will be four. I told him we also have Tripp. Calder immediately told me Tripp lives in heaven and I followed by explaining to him that even though Tripp lives in heaven he still gets to be part of our family. Calder concluded that the baby will then make 5.

Have a great weekend. If you live in Saskatchewan, bundle up!


  1. I love how you make sure to explain to Calder, in terms that he can understand, about Tripp and how Tripp will always be a part of your family. Your honesty and willingness to have those difficult conversations with Calder will only make him a stronger, more compassionate person as he grows up.


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