Random Thoughts

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that Calder had a great time going to the library at school. So far, I have been "on the ball" when it comes to school stuff (stay tuned, because it will never last). On Monday morning, the day the books were due back, I had Calder go to his room and put the books in his bag. I watched him do it and then had him deliver the bag to Hugh in the kitchen so his lunch could be packed.

After school, I asked him how the library was and he reported that he couldn't get any books because his old ones weren't returned. Perplexed, I asked him if he forgot to pull them from his bag. Calder told me he looked in his bag at school and they weren't there. Hugh confirmed what I swore I saw that morning. The books were in the bag when he packed his lunch. As Hugh and I brainstormed where they were, Calder piped up that "Maybe the zipper on my bag came open and the library books fell out." Oy. Nothing else fell out of his bag, yet somehow the books "slipped out" and then the bag zipped itself back up. We then texted the bus driver and Calder's daycare. The books were no where to be found.

That evening I emailed Madam. It looked like we were going to have to purchase the first books Calder took out from the library. Madam got back to me and informed me that his books had been returned (sometimes she cleans out backpacks to catch any of those items that didn't get put in the correct spots). Book mystery solved! We still aren't entirely sure why he was told they weren't returned (he subsequently didn't get to take any books out), but Calder wasn't bothered by it and asking him for details is like pulling teeth. We are NOT paying for lost library books the first month of school and for that we are relieved!
• • •
Boone has started saying "Calder". He mostly imitates us when we are yelling for Calder. Yikes! I guess it is a good thing Calder doesn't listen very well and we are constantly repeating ourselves in a raised voice to get him to respond. If we had kid who listened on the first call, Boone might not yet be on to his older brother's name!
• • •
To end this post, I wanted to let you know that once again I am joining a Style Me Pretty Challenge. This Fall Challenge will be most challenging for me yet. I have NO desire to buy any pregnancy clothes, although I do understand that some purchases may be unavoidable (like the longer maternity t-shirts I have purchased to wear with leggings - I actually don't own any non-maternity ones that could cross over). I am going to do my best to:

#1 - purchase as little as possible
#2 - purchase items that could be worn pregnant this winter and also next winter when I am not pregnant.

Did I mention, that I can't wait to be NEVER pregnant again? Babies and kids are my thing. Pregnancy is not!

If you are interested in doing the challenge I encourage you to sign up. I have thoroughly enjoyed both of the ones I have done and have loved the support of the Facebook group that goes along with it. See HERE for all the information. Today is the last day, so don't delay!


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