Week in Review

February 18 came and went. As much as I love celebrating Tripp, I am glad to see the day pass. For whatever reason I find this week in February more difficult than any other typical week, so I always feel a sense of relief when it is over.

This year I didn't let myself go back to those moments of 2011. I thought about the best ones, like when I started bawling when they said, "It's a boy" because I was so happy and when I almost blew my incision right out laughing while eating lunch with Hugh in the hospital cafeteria. I let myself remember what it was like to hold Tripp in my arms and what it felt like in those very special moments that Hugh and I purposely never shared with anyone. The rest I left a blur. It wasn't an easy day, but as always my days are always better with Hugh and our kids, so that's exactly how we spent it. I tweeted our day, if you want to take a look click HERE. You can also see a number of the other wonderful things people did #RememberingTripp.

As one friend said, "I don't know how to hashtag", so I am going to share with you a few of the other messages we got this week.

Kinsey dropped off Tim Horton's cards at each of her 5 neighbors houses.
"I bought the order of the vehicle behind me at Timmy's just now. Just wanted you to know his spirit encouraged me to do this. I feel good and have never done something random like this. Thanks Tripp."

"I just wanted you guys to know that I am thinking of you always but especially today. Thank you for sharing your journey on your blog it truly inspires me."

"You are honouring Tripp in a positive way. A challenge it must be. I am so proud of you. We cannot change what has happened but how we handle the way we remember Tripp."

"May your day be how you wish. . . May your memories be sweet. . . "

"Happy birthday, Tripp! My coworkers enjoyed Bliss Cupcakes with your name on them today. . ."

"The right words fail to come to me but know you and Tripp are in our thoughts. We hope you have a peaceful day."

"There were birthday cupcakes bought today at The Sweet Cup as a random act of kindness for someone else in memory of Tripp. I thought of him and you all day."

"I miss Tripp & hearing stories about him grow. I am sure he was with us in spirit the last time we got together because I thought of him many times that morning. Thinking of you and sending my love & hugs."

Please read the Twitter feed if you didn't already (just scroll to the top for the link). The ideas people came up with to honor Tripp are amazing. At least once a month I buy a stranger coffee in honor of Tripp, but I am going to do a better job of getting creative with my random acts of kindness as well as spreading them around to honor others. It feels so good to run back over the messages and texts and embrace all the love that came our way. I want other people to feel that love too.

Sunday will be a hard day, but I think it might be made a bit sweeter if Team Canada can pull off a gold medal in the men's hockey final and if the Elks can even up their AAA series with Rosetown. I know Tripp will be near me on such a challenging day and I can think of no better place to cart him to than to the rink ;-).

Thanks again everyone. You really did touch our hearts.


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