Sandy Hook Elementary School

On my way home from work last Friday, in the midst of an ugly cry, I turned the radio off. I couldn’t listen to report after report of kids and teachers being shot.

I have a son who will be starting kindergarten in a couple of years. I have a husband who works at an elementary school. I know what it’s like to lose a child. It was all too much for me. And after reading a few Facebook statuses when I got home, I realized it was all too much for many of us.

Hugh and I couldn’t watch the news on the weekend and I could barely get through the paper on Sunday. Avoiding reports on the shootings has been impossible.

Monday on my drive home from work, once again, the news brought thoughts of the shooting to the forefront of my mind. For the first time I let myself imagine what it would be like if the shooting had happened in Hugh’s school. For a brief moment, I considered talking to Hugh about what I wanted him to do if that ever did happen. You see, I would want him to lock his office door and hide under his desk (which is protocol in a lockdown situation). I don’t want him to worry about someone else’s child. I want him to worry about ours. I want Hugh to think about our son in that moment and what it would be like for Calder to live without his dad. Those thoughts only lasted a moment. I could never ask Hugh not to protect those kids in his school - Just like he would never ask me not to protect the students in mine.

Did you know that the Principal and Vice Principal went into the hall when they heard the shots. They moved toward the shooter to try and stop him. Only the Vice Principal survived.

Did you know one teacher draped her body over a student to try and protect him from the bullets? Unfortunately, her bravery was no match for the shooter. Both the teacher and student were victims.

I read my first Sandy Hook Elementary shooting article yesterday. It was a commentary in the Star Phoenix, titled, "A toast to the hidden herosim of teachers". You can read it HERE.

I send all my love and thoughts to the families affected by this tragic event.


  1. The whole thing just terrifies me. But watch the 60 minutes special on tells the real story. Still horrible, but the people, the hero's are really the focus.


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