Iron Anniversary

On Sunday Hugh and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary to celebrate. We woke up at Emerald Lake where we were on our weekend camping adventure with some friends*. On Saturday night Deena had promised me a good morning anniversary kiss (she was quite excited she would be around to celebrate our big day!). Deena, her daughter, Lucia, and I were all sleeping together in a tent trailer while the boys were having their adventure in tents. I didn't get my kiss from her, but I did get one from my sweetheart. Deena said she forgot! But, I think after Hugh accidentally walked in on her changing twice, she felt our family had received enough "love" from her:-) Hugh fired the trailer open the first time and the second time Deena forgot to close the trailer door! hahahaha.  Luckily for both their embarrassment factors nothing inappropriate was exposed either time!

The traditional wedding anniversary gift for year 6 is iron. Hugh and I both procrastinated purchasing items this year, but last week we decided that getting these little gifts every year was a tradition we wanted to continue, so we hopped on the internet and did some shopping.

Hugh, inspired by my love of our garden, got me an iron garden decorative ornament. It sounds really neat, but since I don't think my description will do it justice, I will just post pictures when it arrives.  I do LOVE my garden! 

Twice in the last month Hugh has mentioned how much he loved reading comic books as a kid. This inspired me to get online to find him an Iron Man comic book. Recently a series was put out called Avengers vs X-Men. I was able to find the compilation of all 12 issues on Chapters and pre-ordered it for Hugh (it is set to be released in November).

Tonight we are heading out to supper at the Olive Tree Restaurant. Year 5's traditional gift was wood and this is where we headed last year. Having enjoyed our experience so much, we decided to head back there again!

*I promise to post pictures VERY soon of our adventures this past weekend. I am having SERIOUS troubles with my computer and I currently have it wiping out its own hard drive in order to try and cure the problem (This is being done with the help of the wonderful people at Mac. They will be SUPER wonderful people if they can stop my computer from freezing).


  1. Happy Anniversary! :) What great ideas for gifts! :)


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