Christmas 2015

Today we are officially out of Christmas holiday mode. In fact, I think I am already in treat withdraw having not had a snack last night before bed. We had what could have been our best Christmas season yet, save one case of the flu that forced us to cancel plans to head to the Clarkes.

We always plan for some outdoor fun at my mom and dad's. This year we went tobogganing. I am glad we chose it over skating as Tisdale has a lot more snow than we do here (which isn't much, mind you). Also, as it turns out, Calder put in some serious hours on our backyard rink. When we were home and minus the two days it was -30, Calder skated a minimum of 2 hours a day and probably averaged up around 3 hours a day. 
We had a beautiful afternoon tobogganing. Boone loved the GT racer. I was a bit fearful for him the first run or two, but Boone has no fear and both him and Calder are tough as nails (not just saying that either). Hugh got a work out dragging the sled back up for Boone, but after all the eating we had been doing enjoyed the added workout!  Calder loved heading off the beaten path and carving his own runs with the sled. The sun was shining and Luke and Brittany joined us. Awesome afternoon.

 This was the best family picture we had taken. We are really struggling the last couple of months to get one where Boone looks good. I am officially giving up and declaring "2 years old" the winner.
 All the Fritshaw cousins. I can't even picture what it is going to be like at Christmas time next year with the two youngest motoring around too.
 The kids were AMAZING when we went to see Santa. The only meltdown we had was on the way home when Boone forgot that he ate the candy cane Santa gave him (in about a minute I might add) and was very sad when Calder started to eat his.

 We hosted Hamilton Christmas. I am shocked at how much I enjoyed it. We hosted/shared hosting duties two other times with the Hamiltons. The first time I was pregnant with Tripp and the second I was pregnant with Boone. I thought hosting sucked until this year I did it without being 7 months pregnant!  I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to the next time it is our turn.

Upon reflection:

My goal this year was to get in a few photos. I succeeded, but in the mean time did a terrible job of getting pictures of the grandparents. Ugh. Next year!

If you put food out, it will get eaten. We had some company after Christmas and it was a great way for us to have some help eating the enormous amounts of food and baking that were left over.

Getting our Christmas photo taken at the end of November was key to eliminating Christmas card stress.

I love the cousin photos and need to remember to continue taking them. I love that we can look back on a yearly basis to see how much the kids have grown.

We took down the decorations this weekend. I was ready. Boone was not. He kept saying "Christmas over? Why?"  Hahahaha.

Have a great week!


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