Family Photos 2014

In mid-September, Deena took our family pictures. I had great coordinating outfits planned for everyone (and I'm really proud to say using items already in our closets), but the weather was WAY colder than it had been and I had to improvise. The long sleeves I had planned were worn, but well below an added layer. Hugh's parents had brought back the boys their bunny hugs this summer and Hugh's coat just so happened to be the exact same color of his original shirt. Score! My only concern was myself - I could barely get the coat I am wearing zipped up over my belly! But it did zip up, thankfully, and I quite like how we all look! I should have posted the picture that Deena took of all of us looking out over the pond. My coat is pulling - bad - all across my back, LOL! Glad it pulled there and not across the front!

We had to do a funny face photo! I thought we were all going to do Boone's face. Clearly Hugh thought otherwise! Calder was so distracted by Hugh's tongue that he was barely able to put a funny face together!

Deena was a champ photographer. She had one model who was NOT cooperative and therefore had to snap at a record pace. Boone was SUCH a grump. I did pack some fruit snacks which helped, but for the most part he just screamed!

I already have these photos in a collage hanging on our wall. They look amazing! Thank-you, Mme. Simair!


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