Fall Challenge - Final Week

So I got played out these last few days. Didn't feel like wearing a couple of the outfits and didn't bother to take a picture of a couple more. Needless to say, I only have one day for you :-)

Day 17 - Long Cardigan, Solid Tee, Leopard Scarf, Legging, Neutral Flats

I went a bit off the mark with this one. My classroom is cold, so flats are out and I had worn the leopard scarf the day before. I also wanted to try a bit of pattern mixing to axed the black leggings! It is getting so dark out here. This picture was taken at 4:30 pm and because it was overcast, I couldn't get a good picture with my phone. Sigh. Winter is definitely on its way!

Deena | Christy | Jordan | Carrie C. | Shaunacey | Danielle | Beth | Joy | Sarah | 
Leslie | Katie | Jennifer | Carrie M. | Lisa | Sheila | Lauren | Anna | Alison


  1. I have the same lighting issues at my house to! I like the printed leggings, great substitution!

  2. So, so cute! I love your polka dot scarf. Boo for dark at 4:30 - same problem here :)!

  3. love the printed leggings AND that cute bump!

  4. That polka dot scarf is too cute!


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